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Wednesday, May 17, 2023


* See UPDATES below...

Former Trump administration Attorney General Bill Barr appointed a Special Counsel (John Durham) on October 19, 2020 to determine whether the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation of, first, Presidential candidate Donald Trump and, then, President Trump was based on a factual legal predicate, or not.

After nearly three years of investigation, John Durham finally submitted his report on Tuesday, May 12, 2023 to Biden AG Merrick Garland who released it to Congress and the public on May 15...and concluded that the FBI's initiation of an investigation was NOT based on a factual legal predicate, but was, instead, based on political opposition dirt produced by Trump's rival Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign, that was comprised entirely of lies and false accusations of Trump campaign collusions with Russia.

Durham further concluded that the FBI was BIASED against Trump, while exhibiting favour toward potential wrongdoings by Hillary Clinton regarding their investigations of the Clinton Foundation, as well as her use of a private server and private email while she was Secretary of State under President Obama.

He pointed out that, then President Obama and Vice-President Biden were made aware by CIA Director John Brennan of Clinton's attempts to smear Trump before her campaign released the infamous 'Steele Dossier' containing the salacious and false accusations.

Durham's findings are troubling and highlight the presence of political bias in both the DOJ and the FBI...as well as their undue negative influence operation on President Trump's tenure...coupled with the Democrats' repetition of those lies and a mainstream media complicity, spreading them as if they were fact, without ever investigating them, except for a few, such as Fox News.

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether Trump and/or his campaign colluded with Russia leading up to the 2016 Presidential election determined that there was NO collusion in March of 2019. Furthermore, the DOJ Inspector General also found no wrongdoings by Trump or his associates, BUT did find plenty by the FBI. I reported extensively on "Russiagate" in Parts I and II here and here.

This post, Russiagate Part III, marks the end of this particular political hit job against a Presidential candidate, then President of the United States...a Republic that is supposed to be governed by its Constitution and Bill of Rights...which have been violated by a variety of intelligence leaders who sought to influence an election and delegitimize a duly-elected President.

Whether any consequences or accountability are ever delivered to the American public remains to be seen.

Although current FBI Director Christopher Wray claims that reforms have since been implemented in his department to prevent such interference, it's plain to see that someone did not get the memo...take a look at their interference via Twitter in the 2020 Presidential election (The Twitter Files) and their suppression of evidence relating to the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Considering the totality of all of these political interferences and false allegations involving Russia, one could argue that any potential U.S. and Russia relationship or alliance against potential threats from China were degraded...instead, the U.S. and NATO have been funding billions of dollars into assisting Ukraine defend itself from an invasion from Russia under Joe Biden's presidency (after defeating President Trump bid for a second term in 2020). 

The United States' national security and economy have been destabilized, as a result, fighting high inflation and an economic crisis.

No doubt, Congress will have more to say on these issues in the coming days/weeks following their own investigations.

The following articles provide further insights regarding the Durham report...there are many more, and I will add them in due course.

ZeroHedge excerpt

Source: New York Post
(front page May 17, 2023)

* UPDATE May 18...

The Washington Post -- trying to "save face" for pushing the Trump-Russia collusion for years -- is continuing with its foolish losing narrative...

* UPDATE May 19...

" Not only did the impossible happen, but they all did it: the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media."

ZeroHedge excerpt

* UPDATE June 21...

Special Counsel John Durham confirmed in his testimony today before the House Judiciary Committee that there was NO LEGITIMATE BASIS on which the FBI undertook their investigation of then Presidential candidate Donald Trump regarding purported Russia collusion during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

It was all one big fat hoax based on a series of lies undertaken and funded by the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign and the DNC!

Where's the accountability of the FBI for their nefarious actions in opening and perpetuating this investigation?

And, where's the restitution to former President Trump for the subsequent fallout, chaos and harm that this caused during his presidency?