
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The "Green-Eyed Monster"


The tool of far-left liberals is...the megaphone (including social media platforms)...the "green-eyed monster."

It's the far-left's easy way out to simply and repeatedly shout their tedious screed through a megaphone to a group of like-minded protesters/rioters/followers, than to quietly discuss their point of view during a civilized debate or conversation.

They will never convince people, who have dissenting opinions, that their ideas are worth adopting, while using those tiresome "caveman-with-club" tactics to spread their monotonous, nonsensical and absurd idealogy.

Eventually, those tactics and doctrine will go the way of the dinosaur.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

SBMS Time Capsule: Nancy Pelosi's Shameful 2020 SOTU Stunt

Remember this shameful stunt performed on February 4, 2020 by, then, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at the conclusion of, then, President Donald Trump's State of the Union Address?

The country reeled in shock as she tore up President Trump's SOTU speech...and shredded the legacies of the American heroes and heroines who were saluted and praised therein.

A total classless act by a spiteful woman.

No doubt, you will NOT see the same vengeful performance tonight by the current House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, after President Joe Biden's SOTU speech...he has more dignity and respect for the 'presidency of the United States,' rather than lowering himself to her standard. (P.S. Feb. 8: You didn't see didn't happen. Instead, he stood up and clapped at the end of Biden's speech, in accordance with the usual dignified and polite protocol performed by a House Speaker after this annual speech.)

She should have retired from politics decades ago...and spared herself and millions of Americans a lot of humiliation.

And...then there's this display of blatant hipocrisy...where white is the only colour in her own family.

I see no "diversity, equity or inclusion" here, contrary to her multiple declarations over the years that American companies, schools, government departments and agencies, courts, etc., must hire according to Democrats' DEI edict...😕

Saturday, February 04, 2023

SBMS Blogging Hiatus

Dear readers,

I may be posting fewer articles over the next several months...due to a temporary minor health issue.

That should be resolved by late spring...or sooner.

In the meantime, best of luck in your trading! 😊