
Saturday, December 03, 2022

Twitter's Suppression Of Free Speech Exposed

* See UPDATES below...

As promised by Twitter's new private owner, Elon Musk, he's making public the massive suppression of free speech actions taken by former Twitter executives and employees on its social media platform in coordination, primarily, with Democrats and Joe Biden's presidential campaign staff

For background, I've written extensively on Joe Biden here, herehere, and here.

The following tweets lay out Twitter's actions taken in the days leading up to the 2020 Presidential election...where information (first reported by Miranda Devine in the New York Post) was suppressed on its platform in connection with Hunter Biden's laptop.

Much more will be released over the coming days...THEY ARE EXPLOSIVE!



So far, there are 42 tweets in the
above them all at 
that link.

The following ZeroHedge article is also insightful on this matter and is worth a read.

The liberal mainstream media is reacting, as expected: truth deniers of documented evidence...otherwise, they've been silent, so far, including the New York Times.

More bombshells released in this New York Post article.

Another interesting take on the Twitter Files...

* UPDATE Dec. 5...

More nefarious activities revealed...involving the FBI and Twitter...

* UPDATE Dec. 6...

So, the White House is, shamelessly, attempting to cover up the cover-up. When will they come clean, as per documented (now-released) evidence? 🤔

Oh, good grief...Jim Baker was part of the 'Russiagate' scandal involving former President Trump, about which I wrote at great length here and here.

Which other nefarious 'leftovers' are still hiding out at Twitter?...🤔

Maybe the pace and fulsomeness of the Twitter Files releases will pick up, now that that's been resolved.

BUT WAIT...there's more than just the Twitter Files...

* UPDATE Dec. 8...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Two...has now been released...more shocking revelations!...

30 Tweets in this Twitter thread

* UPDATE Dec. 9...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Three: The Removal Of Former President Trump: Part One...PLUS other revelations involving government agencies...

WOW...truly shocking! Much worse than the public ever knew! 😯

* UPDATE Dec. 11...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Four: The Removal Of Former President Trump: Part Two

The following ZeroHedge article also provides a summary of this latest tweet thread.

* UPDATED Dec. 12...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Five: The Removal Of Former President Trump: Part Three

* UPDATE Dec. 14...

More disturbing information has been uncovered by America First Legal...the CDC's "social inoculation" to mitigate a public "infodemic," in collaboration with the WHO and other international organizations...

* UPDATE Dec. 15...

Why are they covering up free-speech abuses, and much not reporting on this major scandal? 🤔

As network "journalists" you'd think they'd all be demanding free-speech rights for everyone.

This is America, after all...not communist China...yet!

* UPDATE Dec. 16...

Politicians were never known for their fairness, admission of truth, and, especially, equal treatment of all individuals, regardless of their political leanings, race, culture, religion, class, gender, and idealogies. 😕

Perhaps the EU fears being exposed on future Twitter Files publications...otherwise, why do they oppose free speech and threaten new Twitter CEO Elon Musk with sanctions? 🤔

It's utter nonsense!

* UPDATE Dec. 17...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Six: The FBI Subsidiary

More blockbuster revelations on government (FBI) interference in free speech...

* UPDATE Dec. 18...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Six (cont'd): The FBI Supplemental

Just when you thought things couldn't get more shocking, this latest tweet thread from Twitter is released...

* UPDATE Dec. 19...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Seven: The FBI & The Hunter Biden Laptop

The revelations continue...

* UPDATE Dec. 21...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Eight: How Twitter Quietly Added The Pentagon's Covert Online PsyOp Campaign


* UPDATE Dec. 22...

An excellent video discussion of the Twitter Files releases pertaining to the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up...with Fox News TV host Mark Levin and his two guests on December 11...

* UPDATE Dec. 24...

On Christmas Eve day, Twitter Files reporter, Matt Taibbi, shares his experiences of exposing the truth about U.S. government interference with free speech via's a doozy!...and, he's a very brave guy!

A legal opinion on the FBI's attacks on its critics...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Nine: Twitter and "Other Government Agencies"

The next shocking file dump from Matt Taibbi...

* UPDATE Dec. 26...

New Twitter CEO Elon Musk has exposed the truth regarding so-called "conspiracy theories" about Twitter's suppression of free speech, through the release of hundreds of internal company documents to several journalists...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Ten: How Twitter Rigged The COVID Debate

COVID file drop via David Zweig...

* UPDATE Jan. 3, 2023...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Eleven: How Twitter Let The Intelligence Community In

More Twitter Files releases from Matt Taibbi...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Twelve: Twitter And The FBI "Belly Button"

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Thirteen: Twitter And The Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccines...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Fourteen: The Russiagate Lies: One: The Fake Tale of Russian Bots and the #ReleaseTheMemo Hashtag...

I've written extensively about "Russiagate" over the years, involving former President Trumphere and here.

The following Twitter threads reveal nefarious requests from numerous Congressional Democrats for Twitter to censor critics...

Source: ZeroHedge

* UPDATE Jan. 17...

THE TWITTER FILES: How The Pharmaceutical Industry Lobbied Social Media To Shape Content Around Vaccine Policy

Shocking pressure from BioNTech, which developed Pfizer's vaccine, to Twitter to censor users tweeting at them to ask for generic low-cost vaccines (and therapeutics) for third-world seems they were more interested in making unprecedented profits, than in saving as many lives as possible, world-wide.

* UPDATE Jan. 27...

THE TWITTER FILES: Part Fifteen: Move Over, Jayson Blair: Twitter Files Expose Next Great Media Fraud

A website that spun off from Hillary Clinton's "Trump-Russia Collusion" hoax (see Part I here and Part II here) claimed to have tracked Kremlin efforts to justify baseless allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election.

This "neo-liberal think-tank" became known as Hamilton 68 and "spawned hundreds of fraudulent headlines and TV news segments in virtually every major news organization, namely, NCB, CBS, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, Mother Jones, Politifact and Snopes"...who became active participants in spreading the lies.

It was all BS.

Twitter technicians and executives thought so, too and ordered an extensive review of their claims. Their review proved them right...and they wanted to expose it, as such...BUT, future White House and NSC spokesperson Emily Horne advised against it...and, so Twitter acquiesced and let the lies continue.

So, with new leadership now at the helm, Twitter CEO Elon Musk, all of this deception is being revealed, as follows.

* UPDATE Jan. 29...

The Hamilton 68 website has been "stealth edited" since the above-mentioned information was revealed/exposed to the public...

* UPDATE Feb. 6...

We'll see what happens during the Congressional hearings on U.S. government doubt, more explosive information will be revealed during this process.

* UPDATE Feb. 8...

Fireworks and hysteria...seem to best describe the atmosphere in today's Congressional hearing where former Twitter executives were grilled in connection with Twitter's widespread censorship actions, as I've described above...

* UPDATE March 10...

The testimony given by these independent investigative journalists to the House regarding what they'd uncovered in the Twitter Files was a blockbuster.

So, what will Congress do about it? 😕


You can read the next Twitter Files instalment from journalist Matt Taibbi at the following link to his Twitter thread.

* UPDATE July 5...

So, it look like free speech may not be dead after all...FINALLY, a win for Americans!...👀

* UPDATE Sept. 9...

And...there you have it...the ruling against the Biden administration from the courts for violating public free speech rights.

How much more evidence does the public need to be convinced that Biden's policies and tactics are authoritarian and do not belong in America...which is governed by its Constitution and Bill of Rights?