
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

BITCOIN: The "Emperor-Wears-No-Clothes" Klepto-Currency Crapshoot Has Finally Been Exposed

* See UPDATE below...

I've been calling for 20,000 on BITCOIN (BTC/USD) since my post of May 20, 2021. It hit a low of 20,089, so far, today.

The BEARS are still firmly in control.

Major support lies much lower at 10, inviting downside target...followed by ZERO.

* UPDATED June 19... is also expecting BITCOIN to "plummet below 10,000," as noted in today's article.

It hit a low of 17,611 yesterday.

* UPDATE July 20...

Another "klepto-currency" aptly self-described "lunatic" bites the of many, so far...with, possibly more to come...

"Save me from myself!" seems to be the humiliating intimation from this guy...😏

Remember the old adage...Buyer beware!

ZeroHedge excerpt

* UPDATE July 23...

More klepto-currency wealth destruction hits retail chumps investors...

* UPDATE July 25...

More troubles ahead for cryptos...

Meanwhile COIN's fall from grace has been just a little over one year from its IPO...