
Monday, May 09, 2022

How Long Can President Biden Survive In 'Survival Mode?'

N.B. This will be a very long and depressing post by the time President Biden's first (and likely only) term is up in January 2025...a refection of his character and policies and the damning effects they are having on Americans, the economy, the environment, the country's national security, as well as the rest of the world's economies and global social stability.

Part I

* See UPDATES below...

Add this disturbing development involving the Supreme Court to the long list of President Biden's failures -- and national security threats that have formed since he took office -- and you've got a very big problem brewing in the U.S. that is contributing to a high level of uncertainty and a general malaise over future prosperity prospects for its citizens and domestic and foreign investors.

So, how long can Joe Biden survive in 'survival mode?' He may barely survive until his four-year term ends, but it's doubtful that many Democrat members of the House and Senate will when their term expires this November, inasmuch as they've enacted his policies (and have pulled him to the extreme far left on many issues) and are directly accountable to their constituents who are negatively impacted by the fallout of Biden's agenda, especially by out-of-control inflation and a high crime wave in their cities.

Look for a 'red wave' to occur during the 2022 mid-term elections, as a result of President Biden's 'lack of courage' to govern the way he promised in his speech when he was sworn into office on January 20, a self-professed centrist and a uniter. No one believes his proclamations anymore...but, I doubt many did in the first place.

Market players have already voted with their money...and, it's not favourable for Joe Biden, his agenda, or the Democrat party...see my post of February 21 for further details on major support levels for the SPX pertaining to its break of its Head and Shoulders neckline at 4200.

The SPX closed at 3851.85 the day of President Biden's inauguration. Most of the gains it made since then have been wiped out this year.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Remedy For Fed-Fuelled Wall St. Gluttony...Purging

* See UPDATES below...

What is Wall Street to do after gorging on cheap money, supplied in abundance by the U.S. Federal Reserve ever since they slammed the brakes on heavy losses caused by the 2008/09 financial crisis?

Purge, of evidenced by the following 10 major technology stocks...all of which are currently in the FNGU ETN basket of stocks.

Judging by the massive haemorrhaging that has occurred this year, it seems that the respective values of these stocks were wildly over-inflated by pure speculation, based solely on cheap money supply...not on the actual value of these stocks and their products/services.

You'd think that the Fed would have learned their lesson by now and not fuelled another stock market bubble, as they've done in the past.

There's no telling where these and other stocks will end up over the next months, but with the Fed pulling the plug on their latest (failed) money-printing experiment, it appears that consumers are finally dictating what their priorities are...and spending their ever-shrinking dollars on basic necessities, and not the 'latest and greatest shiny baubles.'

As long as inflation continues to rage and the global supply chain keeps on sputtering and breaking, with talk of impending recession swirling in the mix, I doubt we'll see equity markets race to new highs over the next several years. Instead, volatility will continue to remain at the forefront of short-lived plunges and spikes in both directions...and indecision will plague market players.

Therefore, I still stand by my market assessment described in my post of March 8.

The following one-year charts of the 10 tech stocks that are within the FNGU ETN basket exemplify the volatility that has plagued equity markets since the beginning of the year, and, in some cases, for a year, or more.

The following graph shows the percentages that these stocks have lost year-to-date.

To add a little more perspective on a couple of these stocks, the following charts compare longer-term monthly price action of NFLX with FNGU and AMZN with FNGU.

I'd say that they, and especially FNGU, portray the gluttony and purging described above.

Some additional details regarding AMZN's poor performance are provided in the following ZeroHedge article.

And, there's this ZeroHedge market analysis...

As an aside, another example of this gluttony and purge scenario is the ARK Innovation ETF, ARKK (containing 141 stocks), as shown on the following monthly chart comparing it to FNGU. You can see that it has traded in lock-step with FNGU over the years.

ZeroHedge has provided a bit more 'colour commentary' on this ETF, as follows.

P.S. To repeat what I said in March..."Best of's crazy 'out there'...and rumours are flying everywhere!" 😏

* UPDATE May 4...

The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.50% today. 

This tweet sums up where we're at, thanks to the Fed's overly-accommodative policies during the past years...too little, too late...they are a joke.

* UPDATE May 7...

I'm at a loss for words...which doesn't happen very often...

* UPDATE May 19...

The Fed's loose monetary policies have forced people to invest their savings into riskier assets that they wouldn't normally have taken in order to generate a real return...eventually creating bubbles which pop...

* UPDATE July 19...

Leverage, expansion and liquidity are favoured policies of the U.S. Fed...but at what cost? 😕

* UPDATE July 20...

Place the blame for inflation on the Fed and the U.S. government...where it belongs...

ZeroHedge excerpt

* UPDATE Sept. 21...

More pain ahead as the Fed raised their rates another 0.75% today and signalled higher rates for dumped and the US Dollar spiked on the news...

ZeroHedge excerpt

* UPDATE Sept. 23...

More confirmation of pain ahead...for consumers, businesses, and the purging continues...

ZeroHedge excerpt

The SPX has plunged over the past two weeks and is close to retesting its 2022 low of 3636.82, or lower...and Goldman Sachs has a new crash target of 3150.

* N.B. For more Fed UPDATES click this link.