
Saturday, February 26, 2022

UKRAINE: In Solidarity...BUT Corruption??? 🤔

In Solidarity

God Speed

* UPDATE Jan. 24, 2023...

So, Ukrainian officials are not immune to corruption, as it seems they've profited immensely from the roughly $100 Billion in aid and a massive amount of weapons donated to Ukraine from NATO countries...meant to be used to fight in their war with Russia.

In fact, Ukraine has been identified as the second-most corrupt country in Europe...second to Russia!

That's one sure way to erode world-wide public trust in their government leaders.

It also begs the question of NATO leaders as to why they haven't conducted a full audit yet of where and how these funds and weapons have been spent/used...and provided a transparent report of their findings to the public.

Shouldn't that be done before another penny is spent and any more military equipment is sent to Ukraine? 🤔

* UPDATE Feb. 22...

It's about time...we'll see what Congress uncovers in their oversight investigation...