
Wednesday, February 09, 2022

A Picture Is Worth 30 Trillion Words

* See UPDATES below...

The U.S. National Debt has now exceeded $30 Trillion, as shown below.

The following video is a visual presentation of this amount...

Who will pay this off? when inflation is running rampant in Joe Biden's America...

* UPDATE February 10...

Here's your proof of out-of-control at 7.5% and running hotter each month with no end in sight, and the Federal Reserve still hasn't raised interest rates!

* UPDATE February 15...

Producer prices skyrocketed in one month, as shown below...also, at 9.7% YoY.

Inflation is not abating any time soon, but has been firmly entrenched (and has exceeded monthly expectations) for over a year now.

* UPDATE February 16...

This stunning headline caught my eye...