
Monday, January 17, 2022

Another Joe Biden Gaffe Surfaces...It's a Doozy! 😕

I can't believe President Biden said this (in June 2020)...what a slap in the face to African Americans, especially to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the disrespect/disregard for his many accomplishments! 

I wonder how the King family felt about this undignified and subverted comparison.

Does Biden understand exactly what he says at any given time and the impacts/fallouts created by his clumsy statements and proclamations?

N.B. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the U.S.

* UPDATE January 23...

What House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Martin Luther King Jr. Day was even worse.

Democrats have used African-Americans as their scapegoat for decades to try and get bad (and harmful) legislation passed.

Isn't it about time they stopped their lies and tiresome fear-mongering...which have ramped up to an extreme level and been exposed as such over the past year?

Americans are waking up. 

This will backfire on Democrats in the upcoming mid-term election and they will have no one to blame but themselves, in spite of the fact that President Biden is already proclaiming that a Republican majority win in the House and Senate would be "illegitimate"...something they've been blasting former President Trump for saying that the 2020 Presidential election was "rigged and the results illegitimate."