
Friday, November 05, 2021

Will The Real 'San Fran Nan' Please Stand Up?

* See UPDATE below...

The two faces of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...she can add that to her legacy when she retires after the 2022 midterm elections, as she tries to ram through trillions of dollars worth of spending bills through the House (which haven't been scored yet by the CBO and which have not yet been read by House Representatives and debated)...

P.S. The $1.2 Trillion Bill #1 ("infrastucture") passed in the House (already passed in the Senate)...Bill #2 ("social infrastucture") ($ cost yet to be determined and not yet passed in the Senate) is yet to come to the floor of the House for a vote.

Nancy Pelosi is on a massive and unprecedented socialist spending spree at taxpayers' expense before she retires with her pension to her millions, mansion, and private security...and escapes the fallout.

Add that to her legacy, as well.


* UPDATE December 10...

The true cost of Biden's "Build Back Better" bill is exposed: it's "...shameless...patently absurd...mind bending logic..." to say that it's free.

ZeroHedge excerpt

And, with inflation running at 40-year highs (CPI = 8% m/m and 6.8% YoY...real inflation is up around 15% this year over last year), passage of this bill would cripple low and middle-income American taxpayers for a very long time.

Source: Forex Factory December 10, 2021

Source: December 10, 2021

Source: December 10, 2021

Wake up America!