
Saturday, October 09, 2021


* See UPDATES below...

Friday's dismal jobs numbers surprised everyone (490K were expected...only 194K were added in September)...

President Biden is out of touch with reality...his attempt to spin these numbers fell flat...

No one bought his crazy spin...Steve Forbes spells out the real reasons behind these numbers...

Inflation is hurting the jobs growth and the economy...

Stagflation is on the way...

What Biden's 'Build Back Better' plan ACTUALLY achieves...

* UPDATE October 11...

President Biden's vaccine mandates are having a growing catastrophic effect on worker protests and firings in major and crucial job sectors (e.g., air traffic controllers, pilots, flight attendants, nurses, doctors, first responders, police, military, etc.).

At what point does his policy
(and many others he's implemented)

Get ready...the worst is yet to come...

The pandemic and subsequent global policies are causing a domino effect that could very well produce catastrophic and long-lasting consequences for many sectors of society around the world...and, at the snail's pace that governments react, that could happen swiftly.

* UPDATE OCtober 12...

One member of the Federal Reserve is finally telling it like it is regarding inflation...and it's NOT good news for Americans...or for Joe Biden and Democrats...

More Fed stuff...This sounds a bit naughty...

* UPDATE October 14...

Fox News is reporting that there are 78 cargo ships, each carrying 15,000 containers of goods, waiting offshore at the port in Long Beach, California to dock and unload. There is a shortage of dock workers, warehouse space, truckers drivers of all kinds, and other workers to move these goods from these ships and into stores.

In fact, there is a shortage of 537,000 warehouse workers and truck drivers across America (despite companies offering to pay double or even triple their normal wages, with no takers). No plan has been presented by the Biden administration on how to address this labour shortage crisis...which they created.

There are 360 commercial ports in America, and they are all faced with the same problems.

Stores are already running out of various products, and it looks as though this will push inflation even higher.

How much of this is tied to Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandates (where workers in all private and public sectors across the U.S. are being fired for refusing to take the vaccine), and his ongoing policy of paying people to stay home and collect unemployment benefits during the pandemic? 

I'd say these and all of Biden's policies are causing this massive worker shortage and contributing to out-of-control inflation.

How long will Americans tolerate this mess?

The following reports and tweets re-enforce the inflation issue...

* UPDATE October 15...

Not only are the 'good times over' for President Biden, but they're over for every American, as well, as long as he and Democrats remain in control of the White House, the House of Representatives, and the fact, I don't think ANY of his actions since he took office in January created ANY good times for ANYONE.

* UPDATE October 17...

Independents are abandoning Joe Biden...

America's energy crisis has been caused by Biden's policies against oil and gas...

President Biden's behaviour is becoming quite bizarre...

* UPDATE November 14...

More confirmation that inflation will be persistent and likely get worse...

* UPDATE November 23...

Even the Dollar Tree is raising prices by 25%...and the government collects more in sales tax at the expense of low-income Americans and Canadians in the process.

Joe Biden's policies and actions created this mess in complete contrast to his election campaign promises of no tax hikes for anyone earning over $400,000. 

This isn't the only promise on which he's done a 180° reversal. With three more years in office, it likely won't be the last.

Wake up America!