
Thursday, October 14, 2021

"42 Reasons To Vote Against Democrats' Mind-Blowingly Corrupt Bill"

This headline is how Congressional Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks summarized his analysis of the Democrats' massive $3.5+ Trillion spending bill.

His 42 reasons are as follows (click this link to download the original memo...a larger version)...

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scolded independent journalists yesterday for not doing a good enough job of "selling" this bill to the American public! Why is she treating them as though they're part of the White House Comminications team? They're NOT! They're supposed to simply present facts...NOT embellish/distort them with Democrat talking points.

In any event, who'd want to put their reputation on the line to "sell" this "mind-blowingly corrupt" bill to unsuspecting Americans...then take the blame when it blows up

Let Democrats own all of it, including its sale and fallout.

If you think inflation is out of control now, wait until you see what happens if this monster bill is passed!

And, at what point does this

become a national security threat?

* UPDATE November 18...

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) argued against President Biden's "Build Back Better" bill for 8 1/2 hours before it was passed by goes before the Senate next...

* UPDATE November 19...

Biden's "BBB" bill is "financial trickery"...

* UPDATE November 20...

Biden's "BBB" bill is a "windfall for millionaires and billionaires in Democrat high-tax states" the expense of middle and low-income Americans...