
Friday, August 27, 2021

SPX: The Biggest Non-Bubble In History

* See UPDATES below...

Wall Street claims U.S. markets are not in a bubble.


Take a look at this monthly chart of the S&P 500 Index (SPX) the rally, to date, from 2009 with the two prior ones leading up to August 2000 and October 2007...and judge for yourself.

No bubble

How about parabolic, then?

How much longer will the Fed continue to soft-pedal increasing domestic and global risks to economic and market stability, inflation, and national/international security issues, etc., by flooding markets with endless money-printing measures?

At the time of writing my post, every U.S. taxpayer is liable for $227,474 of the national debt.

How much longer will Wall Street continue to ignore and downplay those issues?

We'll see what happens....but the fall is likely to be spectacular and unprecedented.

* UPDATE September 4...

Just do the math...for confirmation of my analysis, check out the details outlined in this article...

* UPDATE September 5...

In a nutshell, my big takeaway from the detailed report below is that runaway inflation could cause the U.S. dollar to plummet, Treasury yields to spike, and Gold to become a safe-haven hedge against such a scenario...leaving equities vulnerable to the clutches of a severe bear market.

So, keep an eye on the price action of these three over the coming weeks and months, which are depicted on the following monthly chart.

Gold is sitting on major support and is poised to rally to new highs, the U.S. dollar is range-bound and swirling around long-term major support/resistance, and the US10YT is sitting just below and poised to break above major resistance, once again, and rally to form a new uptrend on this timeframe.

No wonder the Fed keeps insisting that inflation is 'transitory!'

* UPDATE September 17...

The question of the bubble-burst is not IF, but WHEN.

Inflation expectations rose again, as reported today.

Source: Forex Factory

Exerpt from ZH article

Consumer sentiment dropped, again, as reported today.

Source: Forex Factory

The panic sets in...

And, don't forget that Biden's catastrophic southern border distaster and COVID super-spreader event -- 200,000 illegal aliens crossing per month who are being transported and dumped by Biden's minions in towns and cities all across the country -- has created an avoidable humanitarian and health crisis of epic proportions, as his administration is trying to prevent the media from filming this mess.

See my latest post on the SPX for more details on what I'm monitoring on this index.

All of this, plus Joe Biden's other botched policies, adds to out-of-control  inflation...and spiking COVID-19 cases from illegal immigration.

Sooner or later markets will react,
as Biden breaks America.


N.B. Read more on inflation here and more on national security here.