
Saturday, July 17, 2021

That's What Doctors Are For 😏

Why would you take your medical advice from social media sites, such as Facebook, when that's what your family doctors are for? 

Whether or not you should receive a COVID-19 vaccine is a private matter that is best discussed with your own doctor (who is familiar with your medical history).

That's what the Biden administration should be recommending and pursuing...not the policing and censoring of 'opinions' posted by every 'Tom, Dick and Harry' on those sites!

By the way, if you're wondering why people may be skeptical of taking a vaccine, take a look at this Twitter thread of past tweets when everyone from Joe Biden to Bill Gates (and, especially, the media) were questioning and/or denouncing it (simply because it was being developed by the drug companies during former President Trump's administration as part of their 'Operation Warp Speed' program)...none of whom ever did thank him for leading this monumental effort to combat this 'frankenvirus.'