
Saturday, June 12, 2021

SB's "Weekend Bits & Bites" 😏

Stay cool...😎

Isn't it about time that Joe switched from 'club-flavoured' ice cream...

Source: ZeroHedge this?

If not in President Macron's 'G7 old-cronies club,' at least former President Trump was loyal to and achieved many victories for the American people during his four years in office. (Perhaps Macron was still smarting from the slap on the face he received the other day by a fellow countryman.😒)

The Trump administration accomplishments can be found, in their entirety, at this archived impressive feat during only a four-year presidency.

* UPDATE June 16...

The Geneva, Switzerland U.S./Russia 'sunglasses' summit took place today between President Biden and President Putin...where it was merely a 'talk about more talks.'

So, what gifts did Putin get from Biden?...sunglasses, a pipeline to Europe, sanctions lifted, a return of Russian diplomats to the U.S., a list of 16 U.S. critical infrastructure entities that are 'off-limits' to cyberattack by Russia (does that mean that everything else not on the list is OK to be attacked?...bizarre!), and the opportunity to answer dozens of questions from reporters and spew his propoganda on international TV for 55 minutes at the conclusion of the summit without challenge by Biden, because he wasn't at that solo press conference! Why not, Joe?

What gifts did Biden get from Putin?...nothing...and the 'privilege' of being the 'second act' to Putin in his 20-minute scripted solo press conference that followed, taking pre-screened questions from only 5 reporters...and the humiliation of being the 'bridesmaid,' not the 'bride.'