
Friday, June 11, 2021

More "Icky" Faux Pas Political Moments By VP Harris


This report from Fox News...

"Users on Twitter roasted Vice President Harris for passing out cookies made in her likeness to reporters on a plane while travelling to meet with the President of Guatemala."

A bit narcissistic, no? Imagine if former President Trump had done that. 😏

Another rather "icky" loss-of-cool moment was committed by Kamala Harris on the international scene -- President Biden's appointed 'Border Czar' -- who, embarrassingly (for Biden), has, conveniently, blamed the countries of immigrant origin for their failed policies, rather than own up and admit that her own President caused it on Day One of his administration (by the way, why is she -- and Biden -- refusing to visit the border?).

At what point does Joe Biden's 'open border' policy and resultant illegal immigration surge become a national security threat and a dereliction of duty?

As soon as he took office in January he reversed all the policies of the previous administration...that were working to keep illegal immigration down. He also recklessly abandoned the completion and funding of the southern border wall, leaving all the wall materials spread out on the ground along the border to rot...thus killing hundreds of construction jobs and jeopardazing the lives of U.S. Border Guards and American citizens (especially along the border) in the process.

Since February, over 170,000 illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S. southern border per month, who've been apprehended (and likely that many more who have not) from dozens of foreign countries. Among them have been known terrorists, murderers, human traffickers (who are turning their victims into slaves, according to FBI Director Wray), rapists, gang members, drug smugglers/cartels, etc. 

So, modern-day slavery is back in the U.S.A., thanks to Biden's immigration and border policies.

Source: ZeroHedge

Too bad Biden doesn't put as much priority on defending his own borders, as he does that of Ukraine's...

Source: ZeroHedge

This is definitely another "icky" and "sticky" issue for Kamala...and Joe...and a serious (and preventable) threat for all Americans and the U.S. economy.

* UPDATE July 11...

It gets worse.

It seems like VP Harris thinks most Americans are stupid, including does she think they've been able to vote all these years?

When will she, President Biden and other Democrats stop insulting voters?

Better yet, when will Americans stop supporting and enabling these politicians...and reject their constant accusations of 'racist,' etc.? Because, it sounds like they don't like Americans and America very much from their constant denigrating rhetoric.

So much for Biden's hollow promise of 'unity.'

* UPDATE September 8...

Damning news just in about VP Kamala Harris...really makes you question her judgement and motives...

* UPDATE October 12...

Cringe-worthy White House 'fake press productions' involving VP Kamala Harris and President Biden are NOT impressing anyone. Instead, they're being widely ridiculed.

The 2022 and 2024 elections can't come soon enough! 😕