
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Sunday, December 27, 2020

President Trump Signs COVID-19/Omnibus Bill With Proviso That Congress Make Amendments

At least the President is fighting for the average American.

We'll see if Congress is, as well, and follows through on these amendments...

At the time of posting this article, there has been muted reaction to this news in the US Futures markets. We'll see how the markets open on Monday.

Monday, December 21, 2020

What's In Store For Bitcoin In 2021?

It seems Bitcoin (BTC/USD) is fond of parabolic spikes...spike #2 is well underway from the March low, as price is approaching the first external Fibonacci level (1.382%) at 26259.60 (upside target and first major resistance level), as shown on the following monthly chart.

The Balance of Power still rests with buyers, but December's level is currently below that of November's, in spite of a 4,413 higher price.

Keep an eye on the BOP level at the December close. If it remains below that of November's close, we could see a retracement early in 2021...potentially down to around 20,000, or lower, particularly if price hits 1.382% by year end.