
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

World Markets Thrash and Bash

N.B. The following chart and data screenshots were taken between 2:00 & 3:00 pm ET today (March 11)...

S&P 500 Index (SPX) Daily chart

SPX:VIX Daily ratio chart


(he says an overall mortality rate of around 1%, but check out Italy's rate below)


2008/09 was a bank financial crisis.

This is an economic crisishealth crisis, and global supply-chain crisis, and one that is multiplying every several days in depth and breadth...not easily or quickly resolved by monetary and fiscal stimulus, particularly if they're not adequately and correctly targeted.

N.B. How U.S. markets closed...

SPX Weekly chart
N.B. There are 3 types of gaps in a trend: 
breakaway, continuation and exhaustion.
If the second gap holds, we could see much lower prices 
before the final exhaustion gap is made.

When will emerging markets (EEM) catch up with, or overtake, the U.S. market flush?


Check out my recent articles on my Blog for details on charts and market gauges I'm monitoring during these chaotic times.


Following President Trump's oval office (9:00 pm ET) address to the nation on the coronavirus pandemic, the S&P E-mini Futures Index (ES) nearly tagged 2600 right before trading was limit-down halted Wednesday night, as shown on the following daily chart.

Tomorrow should be interesting.

S&P 500 E-mini Futures Index (ES) Daily chart

S&P 500 E-mini Futures Index (ES) Monthly chart
Overnight trading almost touched the confluence (2600) of
the bottom of a long-term uptrending Andrew's Pitchfork channel 

(taken from the 2009 low to 2020's high)
the 50% Fibonacci retracement level 
(taken from the 2016 low to 2020's high).

Click this link to view the video