
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

BIDEN BOUNCE: Spoiler Alert

CNBC is all atwitter with excitement proclaiming today's bounce as the "Biden Bounce" after his wins in last night's Democrat Super Tuesday state primaries.

The following SPX weekly chart shows a 1-week MA (ohlc4 -- blue cross). 

Currently (1:25 pm ET on Wednesday), price is just above last week's MA of 3081.87. We'll see if price holds above that, or retests this week's MA of 3039.325, or lower.

SPOILER close attention to my posts hereherehere and, especially, here with respect to the negative consequences of a Joe Biden presidency for the next four years.

By the way, he's not president yet, nor is he the Democrat, in reality, market action/sentiment would, no doubt, be driven by President Trump's policies (and other factors) until, at least, January 2021.

As President Obama was fond of saying during the 2016 presidential campaign, "There is only one president at a time."
