
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Volatility Churns In US Markets

* See UPDATE below...

As I mentioned in my post of August 5, volatility ramped up on July 26 and it continues to churn in US markets, as evidenced on the following daily chart of the SPX, as well as the monthly chart of the SPX:VIX ratio.

Near-term resistance and support levels are 2950 and 2800, respectively, on the SPX.

Major resistance and support levels on the SPX:VIX ratio are 200 and 100, respectively.

Until we see a clear breakout and hold above or below these levels, both price and volatility will continue to churn in a large sideways trendless direction.

Furthermore, as President Trump continues to pump out unpredictable tweets like the ones below that he let fly on Friday, volatility will remain elevated in both directions.

And, this about sums up things with respect to US trade negotiations with China...

* UPDATE September 13...