
Saturday, May 04, 2019

General Market Musings

I've not much to say, other than I think that U.S. equities and bonds will continue to outperform the rest of the world markets (especially since the Mueller investigation is now closed, as AG Barr emphatically stated in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee this past week)...that the slow melt-up continues, punctuated, periodically, by episodes of consolidation and minor for a strong U.S. dollar to support this. And, I doubt very much if the Fed cuts rates any time soon, as President Trump has suggested...not with the strong economy firing on all cylinders.

Inasmuch as other countries, such as Canada, have numerous trade messes with multiple countries that they're trying to sort out, without much luck, so far, and with their economies slowing, I don't see a growing world-wide slow-down abating anytime soon.

For example, German manufacturing PMI contraction continues to deepen for the fourth straight month, as noted below.

Major resistance for the U.S. dollar sits at 100.00 and major support at 90.00, as shown below.

So, basically, I've nothing significant to add to what I posted on March 26 and April 3, except to suggest keeping an eye on the market gauges mentioned therein.