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Sunday, October 07, 2018

Justice Deserved? Justice Served? Market Reaction?

* N.B. This article was originally begun and posted on October 2...I'm re-posting it here, along with numerous UPDATES & my final conclusion below...

* October 2...

As the U.S. Senate vote of Judge Kavanaugh approaches with respect to his nomination to the Supreme Court (pending the submission of an awaited FBI report), we'll see what the majority of the U.S. Senate decides in answer to the above questions.

So far, the following summation from Ms. Mitchell is before the Senate for their consideration with regard to Ms. Ford's accusations that she made against Judge Kavanaugh in her public testimony in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week (September 27).

Equally, Judge Kavanaugh was permitted to appear at that hearing and present his side of the issue. By the way, Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." It appeared to me that, in his testimony that day, the Judge found out why he was born...as did Senator Lindsey Graham, I think.

Arising from that hearing (and the 11-10 Committee vote in favour of advancing the nomination to the full Senate) was the Committee request for the FBI to conduct supplemental enquiries to the Senate investigations that have already been conducted on this and relevant matters.

To date, these are the bare public facts on this matter.

What will the Senate do?...

We'll see what happens after the FBI submits its findings...whether justice will be delivered, or not, by the Senate as it (presumably) considers the facts of this matter, as well as all matters related to its prior multi-day Committee public hearing, numerous one-on-one meetings, thousands of pages of documents (including 6 prior FBI background checks that were conducted during his decades of public service in many jobs), hundreds of letters of endorsement and support from friends, colleagues, peers, professional associations, employers, President Bush, etc., and hundreds of written answers that the Judge has already either participated in or provided...and whether, or not, the final Senate vote affects the U.S. markets.

"Guilty" by accusation...

Regardless of the results of the final vote, we'll see if the massive public smear campaign, that is currently being waged against Judge Kavanaugh, continues afterwards by Democrats and the media...or if they will accept the majority rule and move on.

Ask yourself this...

Would you want a Justice sitting on the Supreme Court to have the same wild (lawless, reckless, anarchistic, and, frankly, jaw-dropping) standard that Senate Democrats have embraced, espoused, and repeatedly declared, which is that no one is presumed innocent and that a simple accusation without proof or corroborating evidence is enough to, immediately and forever, pronounce guilt on the accused?

Does anyone still believe in the U.S. Constitution?

Ms. Mitchell's summation of Ms. Ford's allegations...

* UPDATE October 3...

Cloture filed in the Senate...

* UPDATE October 4...

The FBI supplemental report is in...what it shows...

...and...Democrats are now bashing the FBI and its investigation (I think that voter blowback will be tremendous against Democrats in the mid-term elections with respect to all of their rhetoric and actions in this matter)...

...and...Judge Kavanaugh pens an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal...

Source: Wall Street Journal

...meanwhile...the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman continues to seek required evidentiary documents from Ms. Ford's legal team...the last paragraph is notable ("recently uncovered information").

* UPDATE October 5...

On the cusp...of chaos...

As the Senate votes 51-49 to end debate on Judge Kavanaugh and advance his nomination to the Supreme Court to a final vote tomorrow, it appears to me (as a foreigner looking at this from the outside...and, thankfully, living in a different country) that the entire judicial process, rule of law, and the U.S. Constitution are on the cusp of, either being upheld, or crumbling into anarchy and chaos.

Following the above vote to advance the nomination, Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins said in her Senate Floor Speech today that she will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh tomorrow.

Source: WSJ

What does all this mean for U.S. markets?...

The forward-looking (offset into the future) set of moving averages shown on the following daily charts of the four E-mini Futures Indices are known as an alligator formation, which represents a technical chaos zone. As of 1:10 pm ET, the YM has descended into (and is at the bottom edge) of this chaos zone, and the ESNQ and RTY have descended below the chaos zone.

full bearish crossover of all three moving averages on all four major indices could spell big trouble and much further weakness ahead for U.S. equities.

QOTD: Are the events surrounding the unprecedented chaos that the whole world has witnessed in Judge Kavanaugh's nomination process and what's now happening in the major markets related?

Who knows, but it will be interesting to follow both in the days ahead...as well as the results of the upcoming mid-term elections on November 6.

But, first, we'll have to see how tomorrow's Final Senate Vote turns out.

* UPDATE October 6...

Results of the Final Senate Vote...

After several weeks of reviewing the events and evidence of the allegations made against Judge Kavanaugh and seeking the truth of this matter, the Senate voted 50-48 in favour of confirming him to serve on the Supreme Court. He was sworn in shortly thereafter.

* UPDATE October 7...

In conclusion...

Hopefully, the country can move forward now, but I really have my doubts. False accusers and their lawyers, Democrats, liberals, the media, and just plain lunatics are to blame for creating, hyping and perpetuating this outrageous fiasco. The responsibility lies with them to regain their senses, stop their latest ridiculous threats of impeaching Justice Kavanaugh, and clean up their act.

The U.S. stock market hangs in jeopardy [as the rate-of-change (ROC) indicator is rapidly accelerating to the downside on the monthly timeframe, as shown on the following four charts of the Major Indices]. The ROC is hovering just above the zero level...a drop and hold below could signal much more weakness ahead for these indices.

As well, keep in mind my above-noted comments about the "chaos zone" related to the E-mini Futures Indices and what to watch for in that regard.

Monthly chart of U.S. Major Indices

Innocent lives are scarred and ruined and remain physically, emotionally and socially threatened, as the rest of the world looks on in disbelief at the attempted destruction of fairness, due process, the rule of law, and justice by those who seek to unjustly seize power and control from those who were legitimately elected by its constitutional majority, while destroying everything decent in their path.

Furthermore, there are those who are actively working to gather and disseminate dirt on Republican candidates, who are up for election in November, and smear them by any unsavoury means necessary and at all costs.

And, Hillary Clinton pours gasoline on the incivility flames with her recent threats against Republicans as she continues with her never-ending temper tantrum that she's forced the world to witness since losing her bid to become President in 2016...(it seems that Michelle Obama's 2016 mantra, "When they go low, we go high," was merely lip service to Democrats, inasmuch as what we've seen since then has been the exact opposite)...

October 10

...In the meantime, Eric Holder (former Attorney General under President Obama), says this...

October 10

Who in their right mind would ever want to move to America and who would want to invest there? It appears to be intellectually barren or just simply bereft of plain old common sense. What a mess!

The world is watching this descent into far-left mob rule, demands for socialism, and chaos...in disbelief...

His 10-year old has displayed a great deal of 
grace, compassion and wisdom...
which speaks highly of her parents and her upbringing...

* UPDATE September 3, 2019...

Political motivations behind the smear emerge...

Source: WashingtonExaminer.com