
Monday, May 07, 2018

Is the Iran Nuclear Deal Illegitimate?

* See UPDATES below...

I watched Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent speech on TV where he described the extent to which Iran's nuclear program had been developed before the 2015 Iran nuclear deal was reached between Iran and six countries -- the US, UK, Russia, France, China and Germany.

From the information he provided, it appears that the parameters around which that deal were structured were false and no longer exist, and, therefore, one could argue that the deal is now illegitimate.

President Trump will have to decide whether or not to recertify the JCPOA by May 12.

By staying in the Iran deal, it sends a message to other countries such as North Korea that they, too, can make deals with the US based on false facts. It sets a precedent and a framework around which future deals could be structured and puts the US and its allies in a more weakened position than they were in before entering into such an agreement, inasmuch as they become tied to the conditions of the agreement.

Stay tuned...

* UPDATE May 8...

President Trump withdrew US participation in the Iran deal sanctions will be implemented against Iran and, possibly, for nations supporting Iran.


* UPDATE May 25...
