
Saturday, March 31, 2018

North Korea's REAL Plan For Unification?...Keep an Eye on China's Shanghai Index

I wonder if North Korea and China's real plan for unification will, ultimately, see NOKO become another Province in China (while retaining its nuclear program) as an alternative to its alleged wish for a denuclearized unified Korean peninsula, with Kim Jong Un at its helm?

Just a thought.

And, instead of telling me that such a scenario would never happen, how about describing how it could?

Meanwhile, China's Shanghai Index remains locked in between major resistance at 3600 and major support at 3000, as shown on the monthly chart below.

The momentum indicator has been in a downtrend since it last peaked in November 2016, diverging with its volatile and tight price-range rally, and is currently above the zero level. A drop and hold below zero could see price retest 3000, or lower to around 2650-2700. A drop and hold below 2650 could see a swift price plunge to, at least, 2000.