
Friday, March 23, 2018

Chill Out! 👀

To all the media pundits who are constantly freaking out over President Trump's latest cabinet/staff replacements, remember, no matter who he nominates/hires, whether they bring "hawkish" or "dovish" views, each one comes with credentials and is hired on his/her merits...Mr. Trump still makes the final decisions on matters and it's their job to carry them doubt you've noticed that.

Besides, as President, it's his prerogative, as has been the case with all past Presidents.

P.S. By the way, the (American and global) mainstream media's non-stop (feigned) hysterical outrage over everything he does and says has lost its shock value, is patently transparent, venomous, stale, politically-biased, and is boring. Journalism (simply reporting actual facts) is dead and has been replaced by opinions, gossip, innuendo, hypotheses, fabrication, conjecture, mud-slinging guttersnipe, hearsay, smut-promoting allegations, and fear-mongering rhetoric.

Of course, the President should be held accountable to the office and the people he/she serves, at all times, but, c'mon folks, keep it real!

I'm turned off and tuned out...and calmly search out the facts on my own, while enjoying the peacefulness of that process.


P.S. My further thoughts on President Trump can be read here.