
Monday, January 22, 2018

Social Media vs "Snitch Media"

I'm beginning to dislike (specifically "interactive") social media platforms...a lot. Furthermore, I think they've reached their saturation point, as I've previously written about here regarding the media, in general.

It's far too easy for someone's intentions to be misinterpreted by mere words that one has written while in "conversation" with other(s)...which is why I don't waste any time on them and much prefer, either face-to-face, or phone conversations with people...and, also, why I've never included a "comments" section on my Blog (if anyone has any questions regarding my articles, they simply email me where they can be thoroughly dealt with to mutual satisfaction).

I wouldn't be surprised if "interactive" social media sites finds themselves in the dark in the not too distant future when enough people get fed up with this shortcoming...especially, now that Mark Zuckerberg is turning Facebook into an amateur police state with this (ill-advised, in my opinion) announcement...

From a trading perspective, this monthly comparison chart of Facebook (FB) and the Social Media ETF (SOCL) show their rise during the past five years, but Momentum has dropped off since it peaked at the end of Q3 of 2017...furthermore, volumes have been steadily declining since the 20-month volume moving average peaked in April of 2014...ones to watch over the coming weeks/months.


This tweet (with link to Bloomberg's article) was released just minutes after I posted my article...need I say more...


Excerpt from article:

Even the Pope is weighing in on a related subject..."fake news"...
