
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pacific Ring of Fire Earthquakes...Who's to Blame?

* See UPDATE below...

I wonder if the missiles that Kim Jong-un is busy recklessly firing into the Pacific Ocean, as well as his underground massive nuclear explosive tests, are contributing to the large-scale earthquakes in the Pacific Ring of Fire that we're seeing of late...think about it...

Sept. 21...Significant Earthquakes during the past 30 days

* UPDATE Sept. 22...

And, now this...NOKO is threatening to detonate a nuclear bomb over/on/in the Pacific Ocean. What about the effects of shock waves on earthquake fault lines, not to mention massive radiation fallout that would likely spread world-wide, or even a devastating elelctromagnetic pulse event (disturbance)?

When are world leaders going to wake up, smell the coffee, and take responsible action that would put an end, once and for all, to such senseless, preventable and willful large-scale human destruction?


* UPDATE October 21...

Source: ZeroHedge