
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Short-Term Jackson Hole Bounce on the Table

Further to all the UPDATES noted on my original post of August 15th, I would note that, as of Friday's close, the SPX:VIX Ratio managed to stay above the critical 150 Bull/Bear Line-in-the-Sand major support level, but remains well below the 200 New Bull Market resistance shown on the following Daily and Monthly ratio charts.

Next week, we could very well see a re-test of the 200 level (which happens to intersect with the 200-day moving average), in anticipation of any favourable news from global Central Bankers, policy makers, economists and academics attending the upcoming annual Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium (August 24, 25 & 26), before traders make a final commitment, one way or the other, as to longer-term direction...Fed Chair, Janet Yellen is scheduled to speak on August 25 at 10:00 am ET and ECB President, Mario Draghi is also expected to speak at some point.

For further details on what to watch for on a variety of timeframes, I'd direct your attention to my recent post on this ratio here.