
Saturday, August 12, 2017

North Korea: No Peace Without Compromise

In my humble opinion, unless North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un and President Trump agree to effectively resolve their differences to their mutual satisfaction, there will be NO peaceful resolution to NOKO's goal of nuclear armament and threats to the U.S. and its allies.

Case in post entitled "The Art of Conflict Resolution" outlines a path toward other words, they both need to have one common goal...plain and simple.

On the flip side...An act of war by one side will guarantee a response of war by the common goal exists in that scenario.

So, if that scenario is a possibility, why not one that encompasses an opposite peaceful common goal? In which direction will both sides focus their attention? We'll see...

Hint...Observe which option each one is most actively and vigorously pursuing and most sincerely committed to enacting...that will give you a clue as to the direction this is headed and, ultimately, the most likely outcome...actions speak louder than words.