
Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Art of "Borrowing"

I've heard it said many times that we come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing.

I learned a valuable lesson a few years ago in my move cross-country. Since I was in the process of a major downsizing following the loss of my husband several years before that, I was finding it difficult to part with a number of items that we'd accumulated over the well as still grieving his passing and the passing of our two pussycats in the past several "family" of four had been reduced to a family of one (me). However, I had no choice...I had to be rigorous in my approach to the move and establishing my new life.

Then I remembered something I'd learned in the past year...something that can be of benefit to each of us...that was to simply think of items that I had accumulated as items that were only meant to be borrowed and not meant to be kept for life...this same principle can also be applied to everyone we meet (and are a part of) throughout our life (friends, loved ones, spouses, partners, children, family members, pets, etc.).

I think the key to the success of this concept of borrowing is to accept this as fact, detach as much as possible from the many emotions surrounding each treasure (item and person), and maintain a steadfast (and joyful) determination to move forward with our life and life purpose, in spite of the changes in our circumstances. We may also find it useful to think of all the things we're grateful for as we reflect on each of these items and people and to discover what we've learned from our association with them. Finally, and this relates to our items that we're selling or donating, we may think of these as items that others will "borrow," enjoy, and eventually pass on to someone else, as well.

Nothing in our lives lasts forever...good times...bad times...people...pets...things...situations, etc. Change happens, and we need to accept it, so we can grow from each experience....this is one method that can work for you to help you cope with such events.

Such an approach can keep you sane and on track with your life purpose (to move forward in a healthy manner)...I speak from certainly did for me.