
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Will Euro Follow Swiss Franc's Meteoric Rise?

In my post of December 16, 2014, I stated:

    " It may be that we will see larger volatility ensue in currencies, before they play out to any great extent (or near-term trends become very clear) in world indices."

The RSI, MACD and Stochastics indicators on the following Daily ratio chart below of the SPX vs Swiss Franc ($SPX:$XSF) were forecasting a weakening of the SPX compared to the XSF from last November.

Who knew we'd see a drop of 18.75% (of the Swiss Franc) in one day (last Thursday)! A drop and hold below its (the SPX:XSF ratio) current major support level of 17 (formed from early-to mid-2014) could roil equity markets globally.

The RSI, MACD and Stochastics indicators on the following Daily ratio chart below of the SPX vs Euro ($SPX:$XEU) are also forecasting a weakening of the SPX compared to the XEU from last November.

Perhaps we'll see a repeat of the above price action when the ECB's President Draghi speaks on January 22nd...if so, price could plunge to somewhere between 13.5 and 14.0 at major support...or to watch in the near term, along with world markets!