
Wednesday, April 03, 2013

My Take On Tim Knight's Re-vamped Trading Blog

Tim Knight recently re-vamped his trading blog, Slope of Hope.

It now incorporates a multitude of functions and resources. It has something for all levels of traders...such as:

  • up-to-date, informative articles, which are posted throughout the day (mainly written by Tim, with the rest submitted by contributing writers/traders)
  • a real-time streaming comments section where traders can exchange ideas and post charts, as well as share information on trades entered
  • a Social Trade section containing up-to-date charts, news articles, trading issues,etc. (posted by Tim and other members of his site)
  • a Knowledge section containing Questions & Answers on a variety of subjects (written by Tim and other members of his site), Tim's thoughts on a variety of subjects, and Tim's special videos on a variety of subjects

Tim's site has to be the most comprehensive trading blog I've ever visited. If you haven't yet taken it for a 'test drive,' you'll be in for a treat when you do. There are lots of links to click on (for those of you who like to get a thumbnail view of things by clicking and scanning), so 'be there or be square.' Plus, you'll find that Tim is a fun, smart, enthusiastic, and gracious host, who has built quite a neat (not-so-little) community of friendly and helpful 'Slopers'...if you like fun, action, and information, this is the place to be!

Most of Tim's site is free, which the exception of Slope+ which you'll find in the Knowledge drop-down tab. However, Tim is offering a one-month free membership during the next 24 hours, so be sure to sign up and check this out...on what other trading website would you find an offer like this?

By the way, although I contribute articles from time to time on Tim's blog, I don't receive compensation, nor am I receiving a kick-back for this review. So, you can be assured, that my review is completely unbiased and based on what I see as a valuable resource for all traders.

Enjoy the 'Slope experience' have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!