
Friday, December 21, 2012

Boehner's (Merry?) Christmas Gift to Americans

Very simply, no deal.

After John Boehner's 'Plan B' failed to garner support among his own Republican party members and the House vote was cancelled, the S&P 500 Futures Index dropped 50 points last night in a matter of minutes and global indices around the world are deeply in the red this morning.

Gee, I wonder whose thinking is "bizarre and irrational" in the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations? In his prepared 10:00 am press conference speech today, Boehner turned the resolution of the "Fiscal Cliff" issue over to the President and said "Merry Christmas"...I guess he has no more ideas.

It does not sound like he and his Republicans are willing to compromise on a deal.

Merry Christmas, indeed!