
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sept-Oct Options Expiry Pivot Points for Major Indices

Each candle on the chartgrid of the 6 Major Indices below represents one monthly Options Expiration period. The last candle shows market gains/losses for the August-September series and finished on this past Friday's Options Quadruple Witching.

For the information of any who are interested in Pivot Point support/resistance levels, here are the mid-Pivot Points for the next one-month period (September-October):
  • Dow 30 = 13403.27
  • S&P 500 = 1443.74
  • Dow Transports = 5015.78
  • Nasdaq 100 = 2828.10
  • Russell 2000 = 842.42
  • Dow Utilities = 472.51
We'll see how bullish/bearish market action becomes on any retest of these levels, and whether any trend reversals materialize around them.