
Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I came across this little tidbit in my local "Coffee News" today...

"When the 2022 World Cup is held in the Middle Eastern country of Qatar, fans won't be bothered by the intense sun and high temperatures. That's because scientists in that country have designed artificial clouds that will provide shade and lower the temperature inside the stadium. Solar-powered air conditioning will be supplemented with the clouds, which are made from a light-weight carbon structure that carries helium gas. FIFA president, Sepp Blatter, had originally said the tournament should be held in the cooler months, but is now convinced the scientists have come up with a good solution to beat the heat."

This news was reported in 2011 by the BBC in this  article, along with a video showing how it would work.

As someone who's not a fan of heat, I hope they eventually create a "port-a-cloud" version for individual use that I can carry in my pocket and deploy it when the heat's on!